

19th-century French writer
Date of Birth : 23 Jan, 1783
Date of Death : 23 Mar, 1842
Place of Birth : Grenoble, France
Profession : Writer
Nationality : France
Stendhal pseudonym of Marie-Henri Beyle was a 19th-century French romantic writer who combined both romantic and realist influences in his work . His best-known novels are Le Rouge et le Noir , Lucien Leuwen and La Chartreuse de Parme , all three of which contain autobiographical elements. The main characters show characteristics of Stendhal himself. His novels are characterized by a rather dry, short style, partly due to the fact that Stendhal was opposed to any form of literary page filling. The realism in Stendhal's novels is therefore not expressed through extensive descriptions as in Honoré de Balzac , but rather in the fact that Stendhal based the basic fact of his story on a true fact (which he labeled "être vrai"). Most novels focus on the theme of love and more specifically the process of falling in love, which he has described as "crystallization".