
William Feather

American writer
Date of Birth : 25 Aug, 1889
Date of Death : 07 Jan, 1981
Place of Birth : Jamestown, New York, United States
Profession : American Writer
Nationality : American
William A. Feather  was an American publisher and author, based in Cleveland, Ohio.

Born in Jamestown, New York, Feather moved with his family to Cleveland in 1903. After graduating from Western Reserve University in 1910, he began working as a reporter for the Cleveland Press. In 1916, he founded William Feather magazine. In addition to writing and publishing for that magazine, and H.L. In addition to writing for other magazines such as Mencken's The American Mercury, he ran a successful printing business and wrote several books.

His large printing business, William Feather Printers, produced catalogs, magazines, booklets, brochures and corporate annual reports. It moved from Cleveland to Oberlin, Ohio in 1982 after a labor dispute.


  • As we were saying (1921)
  • Haystacks and Smokestacks (1923)
  • Business Ideals and Follies (1927)
  • The Age of New Purchase (1933)
  • Let's Use the Grand Jury (1934)
  • The Business of Life (1949) Simon & Schuster


Total 42 Quotes
Problems always appear big when incompetent men are working on them.
Everybody knows how to utter a complaint, but few can express a graceful compliment.
Experience and enthusiasm are two fine business attributes seldom found in one individual.
None of us can buy goodwill; we must earn it.
If we do not discipline ourselves the world will do it for us.
Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go
Here is the secret of inspiration: Tell yourself that thousands and tens of thousands of people, not very intelligent and certainly no more intelligent than the rest of us, have mastered problems as difficult as those that now baffle you.
Deliver me from all evildoers that talk nothing but sickness and failure. Grant me the companionship of men who think success and men who work for it. Loan me associates who cheerfully face the problems of a day and try hard to overcome them. Relieve me of all cynics and critics. Give me good health and the strength to be of real service to the world, and I'll get all that's good for me, and will what's left to those who want it.
Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can.
Before it can be solved, a problem must be clearly defined.