
No one lights a lamp in order to hide it behind the door: the purpose of light is to create more light, to open people's eyes, to reveal the marvels around. ― Paulo Coelho

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Watch your own body and mind, and the people and things surrounding you, from the deep, calm place inside of you. When you do that you'll have insights as to what you need to do in order to flow with the river of life around you.
Even if we don't see it, God is always working underneath the surface, behind the scenes and orchestrating His plans and purposes.
A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved. ― Kurt Vonnegut
When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure. ― Viktor E. Frankl
The greatest challenge in life is to be our own person and accept that being different is a blessing and not a curse. A person who knows who they are lives a simple life by eliminating from their orbit anything that does not align with his or her overriding purpose and values. A person must be selective with their time and energy because both elements of life are limited. ― Kilroy J. Oldster
It is never until one realizes that one means something to others that one feels there is any point or purpose in one's own existence.
There is beauty everywhere; even in the dark, there is light, and that is the rarest kind of all. ― Catherine Doyle
In a strong relationship, you should love your companion more than you need them. ― Steve Maraboli
The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.