
Today I will focus on stressing less and feeling blessed

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Feel good about yourself. You have been blessed and you might not have even realized it.
People always complain that they can't do this and they can't do that." "If we look at our lives and concentrate on things that we don't have or wish to have, that doesn't change the circumstances. The truth is that we have to focus on what we have and make the best out of it.
Stop searching for the right person and focus on becoming the right person. — Steven Bartlett
Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want. _ Alan Cohen
We are all blessed ones. Heaven is no longer in the clouds. It is right here, all around us, everywhere; we must only open our eyes to see it.
Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever. – Walt Disney
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ― Anthony J. D’Angelo
God has blessed me with a penis, for what the fuck, I shall worry about someone's penis, its usage and its performance ― P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
The secret of success is focus of purpose.
God has blessed you richly, so get down on your knees and thank him. Don’t forget the less fortunate or God will personally kick your ass. I’d love to do it for him, but I can’t be everywhere.