
Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained. ― Jonathan Harnisch

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When the negative thoughts come - and they will; they come to all of us - it's not enough to just not dwell on it... You've got to replace it with a positive thought. — Joel Osteen
Reshaping life! People who can say that have never understood a thing about life—they have never felt its breath, its heartbeat—however much they have seen or done. They look on it as a lump of raw material that needs to be processed by them, to be ennobled by their touch. But life is never a material, a substance to be molded. If you want to know, life is the principle of self-renewal, it is constantly renewing and remaking and changing and transfiguring itself, it is infinitely beyond your or my obtuse theories about it. ― Boris Pasternak
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. ― H. Jackson Brown Jr.
I am old enough to know that laughter, not anger, is the true revelation.
Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you’ll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone. — Taylor Swift
Sing your life; any fool can think of words that rhyme. ― Morrissey
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. - Mae West
The only real battle in life is between hanging on and letting go. ― Shannon L. Alder
No, I don't like you, I just thought you were cute enough to kiss you. ― Frank Ocean
No person is important enough to make me angry.