
Everyone has highs and lows that they have to learn from, but every morning I start off with a good head on my shoulders, saying to myself, 'It's going to be a good day!'. — Lindsay Lohan

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Develop an ‘attitude of gratitude.’ Say thank you to everyone you meet for everything you do. – Brian Tracy
Every day may not be good... but there's something good in every day. — Alice Morse Earle
Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are. ― Sun Tzu
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. ― Mike Tyson
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
Be the fearless girl that everyone knows would dare to do anything. — Taylor Swift
Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day. — Glen Cook
Kiss till you can't kiss any more, kiss on the street in front of everyone, kiss as if each one were the last. ― Ali Harris
A new day is like a blank canvas; paint it however you like. – Maya Angelou
Look, everyone talks about the unknown like it's some big scary thing, but it's the familiar that's always bothered me. It's heavy, builds up around you like rocks, until it's walls and a ceiling and a cell. ― V.E. Schwab