
Autobiography begins with a sense of being alone. It is an orphan form. ― John Berger

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To find out if she really loved me, I hooked her up to a lie detector. And just as I suspected, my machine was broken.
― Dark Jar Tin Zoo
All writing is a form of prayer.
Condemnation before investigation is the highest form of ignorance.
I want to be careful not to throw all this away. This is happiness. I think this is what happiness is. I haven't got it yet, but I can sense it out there. I feel I'm close to it. Some days, I'm so close I can almost smell it. ― Sebastian Faulks
I can’t really act the way I want to act, or say what I want to say all the time. And a lot of times, I cover that up with a smile. ― Hilary Duff
Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough. — Emily Dickinson
The immense appetite we have for biography comes from a deep-seated sense of equality.
Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you. ― Steve Maraboli
If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you'll spend your life completely wasting your time. You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living, that is to go on doing thing you don't like doing, which is stupid. ― Alan Watts
A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. ― George Augustus Moore