
Normally, in anything I do, I'm fairly miserable. I do it, and I get grumpy because there is a huge, vast gulf, this aching disparity, between the platonic ideal of the project that was living in my head, and the small, sad, wizened, shaking, squeaking thing that I actually produce. ― Neil Gaiman

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I missed you, Angel. Not one day went by that I didn't feel you missing from my life. You haunted me to the point that I began to believe Hank had gone back on his oath and killed you. I couldn't escape you and I didn't want to. You tortured me, but it was better than losing you. ― Becca Fitzpatrick
Nothing is miserable unless you think it so; and on the other hand, nothing brings happiness unless you are content with it. ― Boethius
They both listened silently to the water, which to them was not just water, but the voice of life, the voice of Being, the voice of perpetual Becoming. ― Hermann Hesse
So, what if, instead of thinking about solving you whole life, you just think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow. ― Rainbow Rowell,
Those who have failed to work toward the truth have missed the purpose of living. ― Buddha Siddhartha Guatama Shakyamuni
Listen to the cry of a woman in labor at the hour of giving birth — look at the dying man’s struggle at his last extremity, and then tell me whether something that begins and ends thus could be intended for enjoyment. ― Soren Kierkegaard
You normally have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of daffodils, sunsets and uneventful nice days. ― Alain de Botton
I had a mink, and I had money and I was miserable.
Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough. ― Emily Dickinson
If you want something you can have it, but only if you want everything that goes with it, including all the hard work and the despair, and only if you're willing to risk failure. ― Philip Pullman