
udging is preventing us from understanding a new truth. Free yourself from the rules of old judgments and create the space for new understanding. ― Steve Maraboli

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Free yourself from the complexities of your life! A life of simplicity and happiness awaits you. ― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free
Relationships are based on four principles: respect, understanding, acceptance and appreciation.
He found himself understanding the wearisomeness of this life, where every path was an improvisation and a considerable part of one's waking life was spent watching one's feet. ― William Golding
If you want to overcome the whole world, overcome yourself. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky
If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself. — Albert Einstein
Right now, I had everything I could ask for. It wasn't a long list, but it was a very satisfying one, starting with the love of my life back in my arms. ― Becca Fitzpatrick
Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love. ― Rumi
I'm happy if I have added something to our understanding of the universe.
There's nothing wrong with not understanding yourself. ― Jonathan Safran Foer
The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. — Steve Maraboli