
All I feel are the assaults of apprehension and terror at the thought that I am the only one who is entirely unlike the rest. It is almost impossible for me to converse with other people. What should I talk about, how should I say it? - I don't know. ― Osamu Dazai

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The happy man only feels at ease because the unhappy bear their burden in silence. Without this silence, happiness would be impossible.
When I turn in my list, obviously every record was important to me. I didn’t just put records on there to put records on there. I was excited that “All I Do Is Win” could go on there because you hear it at the end of the game and that represents victory. That’s undeniable. You can’t hate on that, it’s impossible. – DJ Khaled
The future has several names. For the weak, it is impossible; for the fainthearted, it is unknown; but for the valiant, it is ideal.
Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination. ― Mark Twain
When the impossible has been eliminated, all that remains no matter how improbable is possible.
Life is so full of unpredictable beauty and strange surprises. Sometimes that beauty is too much for me to handle. Do you know that feeling? When something is just too beautiful? When someone says something or writes something or plays something that moves you to the point of tears, maybe even changes you. ― Mark Oliver Everett,
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible. — Audrey Hepburn
Nothing is impossible to a determined woman.
Whatever happens to you belongs to you. Make it yours. Feed it to yourself even if it feels impossible to swallow. Let it nurture you, because it will. — Cheryl Strayed
Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible! — Audrey Hepburn