
Life is only as colorful as the paintbox you choose to paint it with. ― Gillian Duce

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There's more to life than dating the boy on the football team.
Stories you read when you're the right age never quite leave you. You may forget who wrote them or what the story was called. Sometimes you'll forget precisely what happened, but if a story touches you it will stay with you, haunting the places in your mind that you rarely ever visit.
Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.
If one has no vanity in this life of ours, there is no sufficient reason for living.
If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. – Eleanor Roosevelt
There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you will still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything.
To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.
Reality doesn’t impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me. I escape, one way or another. No more walls.
Our life is what our thoughts make it. Marcus Aurelius
Life keeps throwing me lemons because I make the best lemonade. ― King James Gadsden