
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.― Tagore

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You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time. — Angela Davis
To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.― Mark Twain
The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down. ― Stephen Richards
I think what we owe each other is a celebration of life and to replace fear and hopelessness with fearlessness and joy.
Sadness is not the beginning or end of a process, but the lag between pleasure and happiness. ― Isra
An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't. It's knowing where to go to find out what you need to know, and it's knowing how to use the information once you get it.
In the short term, it would make me happy to go play outside. In the long term, it would make me happier to do well at school and become successful. But in the VERY long term, I know which will make better memories. ― Bill Watterson
You can’t get to a time before the Big Bang because there was no time before the Big Bang. We have finally found something that doesn’t have a cause, because there was no time for a cause to exist in.
Accept the priceless gift - the joy of work. Apply the greatest value in life: love people and serve them. You will attract big and generous portions of success.
Good things take time. — John Wooden