
If I can see pain in your eyes then share with me your tears. If I can see joy in your eyes then share with me your smile.― Santosh Kalwar

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I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that my looks were hideous. Adolescence is painful for everyone, I know, but mine was plain weird.
You have choice. You can select joy over despair. You can select happiness over tears. You can select action over apathy. You can select growth over stagnation. You can select you. And you can select life. And it's time that people tell you you're not at the mercy of forces greater than yourself. You are, indeed, the greatest force for you.
If you stay in the company of anger, pain, or hurt, happiness will find someone else to visit. Make the choice to view all of your past relationships as a gift. Throw out what hasn’t worked in the past and incorporate new concepts. Focus on being happy. ― Kristen Crockett
Accept the pain for what it is and focus more completely on what you want. ― Adeleke Aishat
Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light.
What exactly is your 'fair share' of what 'someone else' has worked for?
Beware the horns of a bull, the heels of the horse, and the smile of an Englishman.
The eyes witness what is carved on the surface, but the hearts are witness to something much deeper. ― Dixie Waters
The secret of joy is the mastery of pain.
A smile is the best makeup a girl could wear ― Marilyn monroe