
There can be only one permanent revolution - a moral one; the regeneration of the inner man.

More Quotes by Lev Tolstoy
The activity of art is... as important as the activity of language itself, and as universal.
If one has no vanity in this life of ours, there is no sufficient reason for living.
When a person inflates his own importance, he does not see his own sins; and his sins get bigger right along with him.
By words one transmits thoughts to another, by means of art, one transmits feelings.
Let people judge me as they please - I can deceive them, but I cannot deceive myself.
Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly. It is the one thing we are interested in here.
An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person’s main task in life - becoming a better person.
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful.
Armies are necessary, before all things, for the defense of governments from their own oppressed and enslaved subjects.