
The sword of the victorious man who has never been alone, inspired, empowered, victorious women

More Quotes by Kazi Nazrul Islam
I am the drum and the trident of the pinak bearing Shiva
I am an instrument of God. The instrument is not unbreakable, but who is there to break God
Some say my words are false, some say they are infidels. I say neither. I'm just trying to shake hands with Hindus and Muslims, trying to turn swearing into hugs
On one hand is the crown of the state and on the other is the flaming comet. One is the king with the mandate to convict. The other is the truth, bearing the truth of justice
I believe in unity of Hindus and Muslims. That is why I employ Muslim diction and cite the names of Hindu deities in order to shatter the prevailing prejudices
Dhumketu is not a journal devoted to communalism….Its primary motive is to remove the obstacles or misunderstandings that are strewn in the path of Hindu-Muslim unity
The coming cataclysm is coming, the dance of intoxication is crazy. The barricade was broken by a threat at the gate of Sindhupar
I am Hell's mad terrific sea of wrath
I am the rebel eternal
There’s no distinction of clime, age, and person, there’s one indivisible, Universal Brotherhood