
Memory believes before knowing remembers. Believes longer than recollects, longer than knowing even wonders.

More Quotes by William Faulkner
Perhaps they were right putting love into books. Perhaps it could not live anywhere else.
The next time you try to seduce anyone, don't do it with talk, with words. Women know more about words than men ever will. And they know how little they can ever possibly mean.
Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life.
The past is never dead. It's not even past.
Read, read, read. Read everything -- trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window.
We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.
You don’t love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults.
I feel like a wet seed wild in the hot blind earth.
The saddest thing about love, Joe, is that not only the love cannot last forever, but even the heartbreak is soon forgotten.
Dreams have only one owner at a time. That's why dreamers are lonely.