
There is often seen this anomaly in women, especially in those of childish natures, that they possess at once great promptness and unskilfulness in falsehood.

More Quotes by Alphonse Daudet
La meilleure facon d'imposer une idée aux autres, c'est de leur faire croire qu'elle vient d'eux
El hombre del Mediodía no miente, se equivoca. No dice siempre la verdad, pero cree que la dice… Para él, su mentira no es mentira. Es una especie de espejismo.
Children are like grown people; the experience of others is never of any use to them.
Pain, you must be everything for me. Let me find in you all those foreign lands you will not let me visit.
Pain is always new to the sufferer, but loses its originality for those around him. Everyone will get used to it except me.
The prisoner imagines freedom to be more wonderful than it is.
My imagination doesn't require anything more of the book than to provide a framework within which it can wander.
Men grow old, but they do not ripen.
Çok az kişinin anlayıp hakkını vereceği bir uğraş için neden bu kadar çabaladığını sorduklarında şu dediklerimi hatırka: 'Birkaç kişi anlasa da bana yeter, bir kişi bile yeter, hatta kimse anlamasa da razıyım.
Suffering is nothing. It's all a matter of preventing those you love from suffering.