More Quotes by Louis-Ferdinand Céline
I have never voted in my life... I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it's certain they will win.
So many vaginas, stomachs, cocks, snouts, and flies you don't know what to do with them ... shovelsfull! ... but hearts? ... very rare! in the last five hundred million years too many cocks and gastric tubes to count ... but hearts? ... on your fingers!.
You can lose your way groping among the shadows of the past. It's frightening how many people and things there are in a man's past that have stopped moving. The living people we've lost in the crypts of time sleep so soundly side by side with the dead that the same darkness envelops them all. As we grow older, we no longer know whom to awaken, the living or the dead.
Living, just by itself - what a dirge that is! Life is a classroom and Boredom's the usher, there all the time to spy on you; whatever happens, you've got to look as if you were awfully busy all the time doing something that's terribly exciting - or he'll come along and nibble your brain.
To hell with reality! I want to die in music, not in reason or in prose.
There's no tyrant like a brain.
Troubles are as endless as pleasures are brief.
The more one is hated, I find, the happier one is.
The plain truth, I may as well admit it, is that I've never been really right in the head.
An Immense hatred keeps me alive... i would live for a thousand years if i were certain of seeing the whole world croak.