More Quotes by Federico García Lorca
The one thing life has taught me is that most people spend their lives bottled up inside their houses doing the things they hate.
I will always be on the side of those who have nothing and who are not even allowed to enjoy the nothing they have in peace.
The important thing in life is to let the years carry us along.
Every step we take on earth brings us to a new world.
Only mystery allows us to live, only mystery.
The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world.
A nation that does not support and encourage its theater is - if not dead - dying; just as a theater that does not capture with laughter and tears the social and historical pulse, the drama of its people, the genuine color of the spiritual and natural landscape, has no right to call itself theater; but only a place for amusement.
I know there is no straight road No straight road in this world Only a giant labyrinth Of intersecting crossroads
The day we stop resisting our instincts, we'll have learned how to live.
The snow is falling on the deserted field of my life, and my hopes, which roam far, are afraid of becoming frozen or lost.