More Quotes by Robert Louis Stevenson
If I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also.
We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.
So long as we love we serve; so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say that we are indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.
The saints are the sinners who keep on trying.
Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.
I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man; I saw that, of the two natures that contended in the field of my consciousness, even if I could rightly be said to be either, it was only because I was radically both.
In each of us, two natures are at war – the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose – what we want most to be we are.
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
A friend is a gift you give yourself.