
I convinced her that her first loyalty isn't to other people, but to her own feelings.

More Quotes by Mario Vargas Llosa
You cannot teach creativity—how to become a good writer. But you can help a young writer discover within himself what kind of writer he would like to be.” Mario Vargas Llosa.
Lies crushed day and night become truths.
Although they say that only idiots are happy, I confess that I felt happy.
Revolution will free society of its afflictions, while science will free the individual of his.
Almost seventy years later I remember clearly how the magic of translating the words in books into images enriched my life, breaking the barriers of time and space...
In my case, literature is a kind of revenge. It's something that gives me what real life can't give me - all the adventures, all the suffering. All the experiences I can only live in the imagination, literature completes.
Reading is protesting against the insufficiencies of life.
One can't fight with oneself, for this battle has only one loser.
He felt immense tenderness for her. He was sure that he would always love her, for my happiness and also my misfortune.
When I thought I was going to lose my mind in the face of so much suffering. This is how I discovered that a human being cannot live without believing.