
Where are the beginnings, the endings, and most important, the middles?

More Quotes by Julio Cortázar
Come sleep with me: We won't make Love,Love will make us.
But what is memory if not the language of feeling, a dictionary of faces and days and smells which repeat themselves like the verbs and adjectives in a speech, sneaking in behind the thing itself,into the pure present, making us sad or teaching us vicariously.
Human history is the sad result of each one looking out for himself.
I sometimes longed for someone who, like me, had not adjusted perfectly with his age, and such a person was hard to find; but I soon discovered cats, in which I could imagine a condition like mine, and books, where I found it quite often.
Only by living absurdly is it possible to break out of this infinite absurdity.
Only in dreams, in poetry, in play do we sometimes arrive at what we were before we were this thing that, who knows, we are.
We no longer believe because it is absurd: it is absurd because we must believe.
All profound distraction opens certain doors. You have to allow yourself to be distracted when you are unable to concentrate.
She would smile and show no surprise, convinced as she was, the same as I, that casual meetings are apt to be just the opposite, and that people who make dates are the same kind who need lines on their writing paper, or who always squeeze up from the bottom on a tube of toothpaste.
Memory is a mirror that scandalously lies.