
You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.- A.A. Mine

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I do not allow myself to be overcome by hopelessness, no matter how tough the situation. I believe that if you just do your little bit without thinking of the bigness of what you stand against, if you turn to the enlargement of your own capacities, just that itself creates new potential.
Alan Ladd was a marvelous person in his simplicity. In so many ways we were kindred spirits. We both were professionally conceived through Hollywood's search for box office and the types to insure the box office. And we were both little people. Alan wasn't as short as most people believe. It was true that in certain films Alan would climb a small platform or the girl worked in a slit trench. We had no such problems together.
Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. – Vince Lombardi
People believe, thought Shadow. It's what people do. They believe, and then they do not take responsibility for their beliefs; they conjure things, and do not trust the conjuration. People populate the darkness; with ghost, with gods, with electrons, with tales. People imagine, and people believe; and it is that rock solid belief, that makes things happen.
The purpose of our lives is to be happy. — Dalai Lama
I'd be dishonoring God if I didn't believe I was put here on Earth to help change the world.
Tears were for the weaker days, I'm stronger now
To believe in God is to know that all the rules will be fair, and that there will be wonderful surprises.
It is bad enough that so many people believe things without any evidence. What is worse is that some people have no conception of evidence and regard facts as just someone else's opinion. ― Thomas Sowell
No matter what is happening in our lives, we choose how we wish to think about it. And the greatest gift we give ourselves is often our willingness to change our minds. Despite what might seem to be the saddest and most intractable situation, we have the power to believe that something else is possible, that things can change, that a miracle can happen.