
Good food is very often, even most often, simple food. ― Anthony Bourdain

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Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans ... are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit. ― Anthony Bourdain
The journey is part of the experience - an expression of the seriousness of one's intent. One doesn't take the A train to Mecca. ― Anthony Bourdain
Maybe that’s enlightenment enough: to know that there is no final resting place of the mind; no moment of smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom...is realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go. ― Anthony Bourdain
I'm not going anywhere. I hope. It's been an adventure. We took some casualties over the years. Things got broken. Things got lost. But I wouldn't have missed it for the world. ― Anthony Bourdain
I am not a fan of people who abuse service staff. In fact, I find it intolerable. It’s an unpardonable sin as far as I’m concerned, taking out personal business or some other kind of dissatisfaction on a waiter or busboy. ― Anthony Bourdain
your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride. ― Anthony Bourdain
I don't have to agree with you to like you or respect you. ― Anthony Bourdain
Skills can be taught. Character you either have or you don't have. ― Anthony Bourdain
Don't lie about it. You made a mistake. Admit it and move on. Just don't do it again. Ever. ― Anthony Bourdain
Skills can be taught. Character you either have or you don’t have. - Anthony Bourdain