
Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.

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No black woman writer in this culture can write "too much". Indeed, no woman writer can write "too much"...No woman has ever written enough ― bell hooks
A woman can become a man's friend only in the following stages - first an acquantaince, next a mistress, and only then a friend.
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ― Mae West
Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got. – R. Brault
Be the kind of person that you want people to think you are.
Let him who would move the world first move himself.
But when a woman decides to sleep with a man, there is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral consideration she will not ignore at its very root: there is no God worth worrying about.
A strong woman builds her own world. She is one who is wise enough to know that it will attract the man she will gladly share it with. -- Ellen J. Barrier
One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. — Simone de Beauvoir
If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything. ― Marilyn Monroe