
Humility is to make a right estimate of one's self. - Charles Spurgeon

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Nobody deserves your tears, but whoever deserves them will not make you cry.
You may not think you’re going to make it. You may want to quit. But if you keep your eye on the ball, you can accomplish anything. -Hank Aaron
He continues to teach because it provides him with a livelihood; also because it teaches him humility, brings it home to him who he is in the world. The irony does not escape him: that the one who comes to teach learns the keenest of lessons, while those who come to learn learn nothing.
Do all you can to make your dreams come true.- Joel Osteen
The main goal of my music is to make people feel strong and confident.- Megan Thee Stallion
I think the secret is to understand that you still want to be part of the game. To do so, you have to forget all the victories you've managed to get in the previous years and have a great humility. You also need to realise that, if you want to go on, you have to work hard. If you dwell too much on your past successes and say "well, I have won nine world titles and more than 100 races", you'd rather stay home. ― Valentino Rossi
You make up the best memories I have. -- Kanye West
To be happy, make others happy. ― Stephen Richards
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.
When we believe, we make it happen. ― Harish Bhat