
Those who can be made to believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities. - Voltaire

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The greatest power God gave us is the power to choose. We have the opportunity to choose whether we're going to act or procrastinate, believe or doubt, pray or curse, help or heal. We also choose whether we're going to be happy or whether we're going to be sad.
I believe, every day, you should have at least one exquisite moment.
When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time. ― Maya Angelou
The right to free speech is more important than the content of the speech. - Voltaire
You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. _ A.A. Mine
If you can conceive something in your mind and believe it to be true, then you can achieve it.
Everybody needs four things in life: Something to do, someone to love, someone to believe in and something to hope for.
Sure as I am breathing, sure as I'm sad I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh I leave here believing more than I had This love has got no ceiling
For some strange reason, we believe that anyone who lived before we were born was in some peculiar way a different kind of human being from any we have come in contact with in our own lifetime. This concept must be changed; we must realize in our bones that almost everything in time and history has changed except the human being.
I believe innovation is the most powerful force for change in the world.