
It's always relevant - moving forward into the future and finding out who you are. I think those themes never get stale. - Joshua Henry

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What you're doing now, or have done in the past, need not determine what you can do next and in the future. - Ken Robinson
I believe that as a nation we must have a bipartisan discussion about how to best preserve and protect Social Security for our seniors and for future generations of Americans. - Steve Israel
If the future, as imagined in literature, is really the present taken to extremes, then the past is also the present, but boiled down. - Walter Kirn
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. -George Bernard Shaw
Every single immigrant we have, undocumented or documented, is a future American. That's just the truth of it. - Junot Diaz
Instead of complaining about the problem and blaming others, start finding the solution. ― Roy T. Bennett,
You've got to embrace the future. You can whine about it, but you've got to embrace it. - Matt Groening
I hope people can envision a future where we as humans have robots that are alongside us, assisting in our daily lives. - Grant Imahara
What you search is not necessarily the same as what you find. When you let go of the searching, you start finding.
You will never find happiness until you stop looking for it.