
All men are free and equal, in the grave. -- Harriet Beecher Stowe

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The day they decided that Sneetches were Sneetches. And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches. -- Dr. Seuss
It wasn’t northern agitators who pushed Negroes to question their country, as so many southern whites wanted to believe. It was their own pride, their patriotism, their deep and abiding belief in the possibility of democracy that inspired the Negro people. And why not? Who knew American democracy more intimately than the Negro people? They knew democracy’s every virtue, vice, and shortcoming, its voice and contour, by its profound and persistent absence in their lives. The failure to secure the blessings of democracy was the feature that most defined their existence in America. Every Sunday they made their way to their sanctuaries and fervently prayed to the Lord to send them a sign that democracy would come to them. -- Margot Lee Shetterly
As women must be more empowered at work, men must be more empowered at home. -- Sheryl Sandberg
I did two things on my seventy-fifth birthday. I visited my wife's grave. Then I joined the army. Visiting Kathy's grave was the less dramatic of the two. ― John Scalzi
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.― George Orwell
As fantastical as America’s space ambitions might have seemed, sending a man into space was starting to feel like a straightforward task compared to putting black and white students together in the same Virginia classrooms. -- Margot Lee Shetterly
The older I grow, the more I am convinced that there is no education which one can get from books and costly apparatus that is equal to that which can be gotten from contact with great men and women. ― Booker T. Washington
What I wanted was for them to have a grand, sweeping narrative that they deserved, the kind of American history that belongs to the Wright Brothers and the astronauts, to Alexander Hamilton and Martin Luther King Jr. Not told as a separate history, but as part of the story we all know. Not at the margins, but at the very center, the protagonists of the drama. And not just because they are black, or because they are women, but because they are part of the American epic. -- Margot Lee Shetterly
Their goal wasn’t to stand out because of their differences; it was to fit in because of their talent. -- Margot Lee Shetterly
Gender as it functions today is a grave injustice. I am angry. We should all be angry. Anger has a long history of bringing about positive change. -- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie