
It is the glistening autumnal side of summer. I feel a cool vein in the breeze, which braces my thought, and I pass with pleasure over sheltered and sunny portions of the sand where the summer's heat is undiminished, and I realize what a friend I am losing. – Henry David Thoreau

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If it could only be like this always–always summer, always alone, the fruit always ripe. – Evelyn Waugh
That’s one of the things I love about makeup. You can change your whole attitude by just doing your eyeliner or lipstick differently. — Beyoncé
I can’t think of a better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself. — Emma Stone
September was a thirty-days long goodbye to summer, to the season that left everybody both happy and weary of the warm, humid weather and the exhausting but thrilling adventures. – Lea Malot
How you look and how you feel: they’re the same. — Bobbi Brown
I believe all women are pretty without makeup—but the right makeup can be pretty powerful. — Bobbi Brown
Here is the ghost of summer that lived for us. Here is a promise of summer to be. – William E. Henley
I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. — Audrey Hepburn
Believe me, if I looked good, it’s not an accident. — Nora Ephron
Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That or a kick-ass red lipstick. — Gwyneth Paltrow