
he not honestly believed the contrary. And it is precisely on such a point that the judgment of an educated Chinaman will carry most weight. Other internal evidence is not far to seek. Thus in XIII. ss. 1, there is an unmistakable allusion to the ancient system. ― Sun Tzu

More Quotes
We call the “ruler’s treasure” the commander who advances without any thought of winning personal fame for himself, and who withdraws despite the prospect of punishment, as his sole concern is to protect his men and promote his ruler’s interests. ― Sun Tzu,
There are not more than five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white, and black), yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen. ― Sun Tzu
a skilful general given free rein by the ruler, brings victory. ― Sun Tzu
Honestly, I'm not going to lie. I was a good kid. - Megan Thee Stallion
was profound insight of a spiritual nature that could help me live my everyday life unconstrained by conflict, either with others or within myself. These. ― Sun Tzu
he will win who knows when to fight, and when not to fight. ― sun tzu
The liar's punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else. ― George Bernard Shaw
took part in the expedition, and also that its success was largely due to the dash and enterprise of Fu Kai, Ho Lu's younger brother, it is not easy to see how yet another general could have played a very prominent ― Sun Tzu
Understand both yourself and your enemy, and you shall always emerge victorious ― Sun Tzu
discuss the art of war.”3 It seems likely, then, that ― Sun Tzu