
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. — Albert Einstein

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Astonishment is the proper response to reality.
Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.
While most of our suffering is self- inflicted, some is caused by or permitted by God. This sobering reality calls for deep submissiveness, especially when God does not remove the cup from us. In such circumstances, when reminded about the premortal shouting for joy as this life's plan was unfolded (Job 38:7), we can perhaps be pardoned if, in some moments, we wonder what all the shouting was about.
When God says no, we are sometimes tempted to wonder if He loves us. In reality, it’s because He loves us, He sometimes says no.
You can settle for reality, or you can go off, like a fool, and dream another dream.
There is only God. REALITY is God and has never required your belief. This reality no "one" survives. In Ultimate Reality no "one" is saved either - there is simply nothing to save you "from" : you have not emerged from any "other" and there is no place else for "you" to disappear into. Ever.
You cannot cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.
It is always difficult to give oneself up; few persons anywhere ever succeed in doing so, and even fewer transcend the possessive stage to know love for what it actually is: a perpetual discovery, and immersion in the waters of reality, an unending re-creation.
So frequently we mistakenly believe that our children need more things, when in reality their silent pleadings are simply for more of our time.
How many things have been denied one day, only to become realities the next!