
You make a choice: continue living your life feeling muddled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your identity independent of it. You draw your own box. — Duchess Meghan

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You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script. — Oprah Winfrey
Scared is what you're feeling. Brave is what you're doing. ― Emma Donoghue
There’s no point in being successful but sad. Makes no sense. Yes, reach for the mountaintop. But enjoy the climb as well. – Robin Sharm
If you’re feeling helpless, help someone. — Aung San Suu Kyi
Because the challenges will continue to show up in life, but if you have the inner strength - whether that be your faith, your determination or your incredible love for self, for God and for others - then I think you'll have the capacity to live a life that's extremely fulfilled. — Tony Robbins
If you make your internal life a priority, then everything else you need on the outside will be given to you and it will be extremely clear what the next step is. — Gabrielle Bernstein
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. — Winston Churchill
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. — Neale Donald Walsch
Us boss chicks have to continue to stick together and change the game. Megan Thee Stallion
Weaknesses are just strengths in the wrong environment. — Marianne Cantwell