
Christmas is a piece of one’s home that one carries in one’s heart. – Freya Stark

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I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph. – Shirley Temple
But to mean it when I say that I want my life to count for His glory is to drive a stake through the heart of self - a painful and determined dying to me that must be a part of every day I live.
We can’t heal the world today, but we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, an act of kindness. – Mary Davis
I were to spend the rest of my life in supplication, seeking forgiveness for having murdered her memory. For the greatest betrayal, the greatest sin we can commit against the blameless is to abandon a loving heart.
It's your life; you don't need someone's permission to live the life you want. Be brave to live from your heart. ― Roy T. Bennett
But, this dark place is not the end. Remember that the darkness of night precedes the dawn. And as long as your heart still beats, this is not the death of it. You don’t have to die here. Sometimes, the ocean floor is only a stop on the journey. And it is when you are at this lowest point, that you are faced with a choice. You can stay there at the bottom, until you drown. Or you can gather pearls and rise back up—stronger from the swim, and richer from the jewels.
When happiness pours out of your heart, good pours out into the world. ― Gillian Duce
A noble heart cannot suspect in others the pettiness and malice that it has never felt.
Conflict tip: What comes out of someone else's mouth is a reflection of their heart ... not yours.
A Christian is: a mind through which Christ thinks, a heart through which Christ loves, a voice through which Christ speaks, and a hand through which Christ helps.