
Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts. – Unknown

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Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they’re nice, but because you are. – Roy T. Bennett
In a world where you can be anything, be kind. – Jennifer Dukes Lee
So many vaginas, stomachs, cocks, snouts, and flies you don't know what to do with them ... shovelsfull! ... but hearts? ... very rare! in the last five hundred million years too many cocks and gastric tubes to count ... but hearts? ... on your fingers!.
Our only reliable source of strength is the goodness of our hearts. Our only foundation for coming to terms with the suffering of the times is our innate need to be decent human beings. — Sakyong Mipham
You don’t have to move mountains. Simply fall in love with life. Be a tornado of happiness, gratitude, and acceptance. You will change the world just by being a warm, kind-hearted human being. – Anita Krizzan
To make a difference in someone’s life you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care. – Mandy Hale
Every act of kindness is a piece of love we leave behind. – Paul Williams
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. – Princess Diana
We can’t heal the world today, but we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, an act of kindness. – Mary Davis
The future belongs to hearts even more than it does to minds.