
My soul has grown deep like the rivers. ― Langston Hughes

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Music changed my life. I don't know who I would be without it. Don't ignore even the smallest glimmer of passion in your soul, run towards it with everything you have. It could change your life.
The only way you can influence your fate is to put your soul into your performance and hope it registers with the audience.
Tell all my mourners To mourn in red- Cause there ain't no sense In my bein' dead. ― Langston Hughes
The soul is healed by being with children.
Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow.
The Celts were fearless warriors because they wish to inculcate this as one of their leading tenets, that souls do not become extinct, but pass after death from one body to another.
You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul. ― George Bernard Shaw
If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got.
You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone. ― Marcus Aurelius
Good people are not that good. To tell the truth, if I were white, no matter how much I loved Negroes, I doubt that I would submit myself to Jim Crow living conditions just to prove my love.” “Neither would I,” said Simple. “Then you would not be very good, either.” “No,” said Simple, “but I would be white. ― Langston Hughes