
As I learn from you, I guess you learn From me --- although You're older --- and white And somewhat more free. ― Langston Hughes

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I look at my own body With eyes no longer blind— And I see that my own hands can make The world that’s in my mind. Then let us hurry, comrades, The road to find. ― Langston Hughes
There is happiness in duty, although it may not seem so. - Jose Marti
Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. ― Langston Hughes
I will not take ‘but’ for an answer. ― Langston Hughes
Although they say that only idiots are happy, I confess that I felt happy.
If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem. — Richard Bach
Poetry is the human soul entire Squeezed like a lemon or a lime, Drop by drop into atomic words". ― Langston Hughes
God in his infinite wisdom Did not make me very wise- So when my actions are stupid They hardly take God by surprise. ― Langston Hughes
Lawrence has a wonderful hill in it, with a university on top and the first time I ran away from home, I ran up the hill and looked across the world: Kansas wheat fields and the Kaw River, and I wanted to go some place, too. I got a whipping for it. ― Langston Hughes
Good people are not that good. To tell the truth, if I were white, no matter how much I loved Negroes, I doubt that I would submit myself to Jim Crow living conditions just to prove my love.” “Neither would I,” said Simple. “Then you would not be very good, either.” “No,” said Simple, “but I would be white. ― Langston Hughes