
Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. ― Langston Hughes

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This, the dream and the dreamer, wandering in the desert from Hopkinsville to Vienna in love with a streetwalker named Music.… ― Langston Hughes
Poetry is the human soul entire Squeezed like a lemon or a lime, Drop by drop into atomic words". ― Langston Hughes
Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free. ― Rumi
You don't know what God can do with your broken pieces until you give God your broken pieces.
To find out if she really loved me, I hooked her up to a lie detector. And just as I suspected, my machine was broken.
― Dark Jar Tin Zoo
Never let anyone take away your dream.
Life breaks all of us but some of us get stronger in the broken places.
Let go of your expectations. The universe will do what it will. Sometimes your dreams will come true. Sometimes they won't. Sometimes when you let go of a broken dream, another one gently takes its place. Be aware of what is, not what you would like to be, taking place.
We should love, not fall in love, because everything that falls, gets broken.
We're stronger in the places that we've been broken.