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Them doors that was always closed, I ripped the doors off, took the hinges off. And when I took the hinges off, I put the hinges on the f**kboys’ hands. – DJ Khaled
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration - Thomas Edison
That’s what we provide you know what I’m saying. When you get DJ Khaled you sound bites. You get documentaries. My interviews will play ten years from now. I ain’t regular like these other people. This is DJ Khaled, this is special cloth alert. – DJ Khaled
They don’t want you to jet ski. – DJ Khaled
From the standpoint of education, genius means essentially 'giving birth to the joy in learning.' I'd like to suggest that this is the central task of all educators. It is the genius of the student that is the driving force behind all learning. Before educators take on any of the other important issues in learning, they must first have a thorough understanding of what lies at the core of each student's intrinsic motivation to learn, and that motivation originates in each student's genius. — Thomas Armstrong
Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.
Life gets harder the smarter you get, the more you know.
If you think you can't, you're right. — Carol Bartz
Put your talent into your work, but your genius into your life.- Oscar Wilde
I love playing a smart, ambitious, talented woman. Who doesn't? That's really fun for me.