
I don't expect to be understood at all. ― Kanye West

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Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. — Helen Keller
Reshaping life! People who can say that have never understood a thing about life—they have never felt its breath, its heartbeat—however much they have seen or done. They look on it as a lump of raw material that needs to be processed by them, to be ennobled by their touch. But life is never a material, a substance to be molded. If you want to know, life is the principle of self-renewal, it is constantly renewing and remaking and changing and transfiguring itself, it is infinitely beyond your or my obtuse theories about it.
When you're the absolute best, you get hated on the most. ― Kanye West
You're not perfect, but you're not your mistakes. ― Kanye West
I have never voted in my life... I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it's certain they will win.
Shoot for the stars, so if you fall you land on a cloud. ― Kanye West
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you’re taught you can't do anything you won't do anything, I was taught I could do everything. ― Kanye West
Everyone's always telling you to be humble. When was the last time someone told you to be great? ― Kanye West
Life is 5% what happens, and 95% how you react. ― Kanye West