
They'll try to close the door on you... Just open it. ― DJ Khaled

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There will be roadblocks but we will overcome them. ― DJ Khaled
Insulting the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is like trying to spit at the sun, it will only come back in your face.
Success is achieved and maintained by those who try, and keep trying, for there is nothing to lose by trying and a great deal to gain if successful. By all means TRY! Do it NOW!!!
We are never really happy until we try to brighten the lives of others. ― Helen Keller
Nothing makes a woman look so old as desperately trying to look young
I don't consciously try to be a role model, so I don't know if I am or not. That's for other people to decide.
Don't ever discourage someone from trying to better their life and health
Life is movement. Movement is change. Every time a sub molecular particle swings through time and space, something is changing. Change, therefore, is inevitable. It is the nature of life itself. The trick in life is not to try to avoid change, but to create change. Then it is the kind of change you choose.
God is the greatest. So at the end of the day and beginning of the day, I thank God. ― DJ Khaled
As a therapist, I am a companion. I try to help people tune into their own wisdom.