
In life everyone has a choice. The key is: make a right choice. ― DJ Khaled

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Don't fall for the trap. Stay focused. It's about staying focused but at the same time God is the greatest, pray it up. ― DJ Khaled
The choices you make now, the people you surround yourself with, they all have the potential to affect your life, even who you are, forever.
I believe education is the key. As an activist and a child of the developing world, I witnessed education's power to transform lives.
May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. – Nelson Mandela
Make a choice of what you want, who you want to be and how you're going to do it. The universe will get out of your way.
Sometimes it's the words we choose not to say that speak most loudly about our character.
Problems are inevitable. Misery is a choice.
We always have the potential to rise. Rise out of our slump. Rise out of our negative thoughts. Rise out of our comfort zone. Rise out of our complaints. GET UP AND RISE. Rising is a choice that's one powerful thought away.
You have a choice everyday... You can choose every morning whether you will be depressed and miserable, or whether you will be happy.
If you think of something negative and you keep it in your head, you are going to actually live that. Now, if you think of something great and positive and joyful, you're going to actually live that. You've got to be careful what you put in your head. Basically, I'll call that: "Don't ever play yourself." ― DJ Khaled