
Insanity is coasting through life in a miserable existence when you have a caged lion locked inside and the key to release it. ― Morgan Freeman

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Life doesn't offer you promises whatsoever so it's very easy to become, 'Whatever happened to... ?' It's great to be wanted. I spent a few years not being wanted and this is better. ― Morgan Freeman
Don't be different just for different's sake. If you see it differently, function that way. Follow your own muse, always. ― Morgan Freeman
Let me tell you what justice is. Justice is the law. And that man's feeble attempt to lay down the principles of decent. ― Morgan Freeman
Attacking People With Disabilities is the Lowest Display of Power I Can Think Of ― Morgan Freeman
Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen—that stillness becomes a radiance. — Morgan Freeman
How do we change the world? One Random Act of Kindness at a time. ― Morgan Freeman
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ― Marcus Aurelius
I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You're not scared. You're just an asshole. ― Morgan Freeman
I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole. ― Morgan Freeman
Dr. Martin Luther King is not a black hero. He is an American hero ― Morgan Freeman