
Even as you make progress, you need the discipline to keep from backtracking and sabotaging the success as it’s happening. – Nipsey Hussle

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Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. -Martin Luther King, Jr.
When we accept any discipline for ourselves, we try to avoid everything except that which is necessary for our purpose; it is this purposefulness, which belongs to the adult mind, that we force upon school children. We say, “Never keep your mind alert.
Progress might have been all right once, but it's gone on too long.
I think you can make a pure artistic product if you understand how to build your own industry. – Nipsey Hussle
The American: a titan enamored of progress, a fanatical giant who worships "getting things done" but never asks himself what he is doing nor why he is doing it.
Be truthful with yourself and other people, and try your best to make decisions outside of your ego. – Nipsey Hussle
You’re doing great! Don’t forget to celebrate your progress.
While the high-level climate talks pursue their stately progress towards some ill-defined destination, down in the trenches there is an undercurrent of suppressed panic in the conversations. The tipping points seem to be racing towards us a lot faster than people thought.
I could only achieve success in my life through self-discipline, and I applied it until my wish and my will became one.
I realized the power of hip-hop. I realized how influential this music and this culture are. – Nipsey Hussle