
Travel brings power and love back into your life. ― Rumi

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The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. ― Marcus Aurelius
A man's life is what his thoughts make of it. Marcus Aurelius
If you walk through life and don't help anybody, you haven't had much of a life. ― Fred Hampton
There's more to life than dating the boy on the football team. — Taylor Swift
There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. — C. S. Lewis
Can he love her? Can the soul really be satisfied with such polite affections? To love is to burn - to be on fire, like Juliet or Guinevere or Eloise. ― Emma Thompson,
To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, To gain all while you give, To roam the roads of lands remote, To travel is to live
The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives. - Albert Schweitzer
Ultimately the way to win the game of life, is found in only one thing: Our ability to choose meaning in any life circumstance. Become the master of meaning and you master your life. — Tony Robbins
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.