
Nothing is given. Everything is earned. ― LeBron James

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This is a job and we want to have fun. But it's a job and we should look like we're going to work. ― LeBron James
There is nothing wrong with being afraid – but there is nothing more wrong than allowing that to be your master. – Bobby Darin
There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. ― Jane Austen
Once you face your fear, nothing is ever as hard as you think. — Olivia Newton-John
I think the reason why I'm the person who I am today is because I went through those tough times when I was younger. ― LeBron James
Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. Nothing could vanquish me. — Cheryl Strayed
Nothing can be more hurtful to your heart than betraying yourself. ― Roy T. Bennett
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nothing venture, nothing gain. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else. - J.M. Barrie