
I’ve always been a sort of self-imposed outsider, not a geeky outsider or a snobby outsider but, I just have a natural desire to live on the fringe. I’m not like a weirdo with a trench-coat but I just prefer to be alone or minimally surrounded by people.

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Literary criticism is generally bunk. Nonsense. Usually based on self-serving post-intellectual bullshit.
Thank people who help you because they make you happy. Thank people who don't help you because they make you strong. ― Udai Yadla
Between the government which does evil and the people who accept it - there is a certain shameful solidarity.
People trample over flowers, yet only to embrace a cactus.
There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you... And there are others who will understand - without you even speaking a word.
He knows himself, and all that's in him, who knows adversity.
Happiness is the choice I make today. It does not rest on my circumstances, but on my frame of mind...In cultivating the habits of happiness, I attract the people and situations that match its frequency. I smile more often, give praise more often, give thanks more often, and am glad more often. For such is my choice today.
People prefer the certainty of misery to the misery of uncertainty
I don't want to have lived in vain like most people. I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I've never met. I want to go on living even after my death! ― Anne Frank
Love is not about property, diamonds and gifts. It is about sharing your very self with the world around you.