
Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.

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Small things done with great love will change the world.
The happiest people are those who are too busy to notice whether they are or not.
Respect other people's feelings. It might mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to them.
Go out in the world and work like money doesn't matter, sing as if no one is listening, love as if you have never been hurt, and dance as if no one is watching.
People get very trapped where they are. When they hear 'fashion' they get intimidated, particularly at the upper end because it's so elitist.
The most successful people recognize that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation.
People argue themselves out of their pleasures. ― Jude Morgan
It was completely fruitless to quarrel with the world, whereas the quarrel with oneself was occasionally fruitful and always, she had to admit, interesting. _ Soren Kierkegaard
Like wildflowers you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would. _ Lorde
People wait around too long for love. I'm happy with all of my lusts! ― C. JoyBell C.