
One-liners that must land perfectly in just the right nanosecond can be terrifying.

More Quotes by Adina Porter
You can so easily be dismissed as a thug or hysterical if you're a woman if you don't keep your rage in check.
I guess I'm a pretty curious person. I like doing new things. I like being challenged. I'm competitive. Trying to beat my personal best.
My kids are resilient, I'm resilient, and I guess I am an optimist.
I read. It affects every decision that I make. Every dollar that I spend, every dollar that I make.
I'm dedicated to bringing to life what the author is trying to portray. I try to make the producers cry and the crew laugh.
This whole thing about announcing stuff and sharing it online is a new phenomenon.
I come from a theater background, so I always like to dissect the scene and try to get some hint about what the author was trying to get at. I still look up the meaning of the name of the character to see if there are any clues in that.
Every once in a while, I'll have an acting role that allows me to look at something in my life and work it out.
My life guided me to express my full potential.
A new thing I've been doing is just making sure I clear off my desk and try to only touch a piece of paper once, so I get the mail, open it up, deal with it then. My son's homework, or what I get from his teachers, the same way. That way, it's not nagging me, things to add to my to-do list.