
In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior.

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We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck. But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness. ― Ellen Goodman
Everyone says that forgiveness is a lovely idea until he has something to forgive yet tasted one of the most sublime enjoyments of life.
A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green.
The best revenge is to have enough self-worth not to seek it – Courtney Jarvis
Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. - Roberto Assagioli
Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral.
I see a kind of thirst in her expression, the same one I saw when she told me about her brother in the back room of the tattoo parlor. Before the attack simulation I might have called it a thirst for justice, or even revenge, but now I am able to identify it as a thirst for blood. And even as it frightens me, I understand it. Which should probably frighten me even more.
The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. ― Steve Maraboli
Abused patience turns to fury.
You kill yourself and you make a big old sacrifice and try to get your revenge. That all you're gonna end up with is a paragraph in a newspaper. In the end, it does nothing. Nothing changes. The world goes on and you're gone. The best revenge is to live on and prove yourself.